Saturday, January 16, 2010

Disney killing free NASCAR

I was watching ESPN the other night and they were talking about the upcoming NASCAR broadcast schedule.  9 of the 10 Chase races will be moved off of the free ABC network feed to the paid ESPN channel.  They are moving several of the "regular" season races to ESPN as well. By doing this Disney can theoretically make more money on the broadcasting of the NASCAR races.  By broadcasting on ESPN those NASCAR fans that do not have cable will either miss the races or have to get cable.  ESPN makes money off of every subscriber that every cable and satellite company has. (And they charge ALOT for the right to carry ESPN)

Now this doesn't really have any affect on me since I have ESPN.  But it does go to show how much power Disney has and how major media companies can control what and how we watch television.  It would not surprise me at all to see the major media companies move all live sporting events to their cable networks over the next 5-10 years to guarantee more income from those show.

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